Ursa Minor the Little Ring
Ursa Major the Great Ring
Celeste the Sky Hoops
Pegasus the Wing Flat Back Earring
Castor Pollux the Twin Flat Back Earring
Cassiopeia the W Earrings
Eridanus the River Earring
Marquise de Pompadour the Lèvres Necklace
Madame du Barry the Grand Necklace
Louise de La Vallière the Gardens Ring
Gabrielle d'Estrées the Side Ring
Lola Montez the Dancer Ring
Marie Walewska the Imperial Ring
Lillie Langtry the Socialite Ring
Nell Gywn the B*stard Earring
Anne Boleyn the Era Earring
Diane de Poitiers the Urbane Earring
Agnès Sorel the Beauté Hoops